Download Twilight 5 Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

Twilight 5 Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012) 10bit Bluray 720p + 1080p + 60Fps Dual Audio [Hindi+English]

Twilight 5 Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012) 720p + 1080p

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Twilight 5 Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012) Plot

The movie continues from the events of the previous film, as Bella, who has just given birth, awakens from her human-to-vampire transformation. After Edward helps her satisfy her initial thirst, Bella is introduced to her daughter Renesmee. The rest of the Cullens and Jacob stay nearby, and when Jacob acts possessively towards Renesmee, Bella learns he has imprinted on her, making her furious until he explains he has no ill intentions.

Meanwhile, Bella’s father, Charlie, has been trying to contact the Cullens for updates on Bella’s health. Carlisle announces that they have to leave Forks, Washington, to protect their identities – especially because of Charlie. Jacob, desperate not to lose Renesmee, visits Charlie and tells him that Bella is alive and well, but that she had to change in order to get better. Jacob also tells him he doesn’t live in the world he thinks he does, and then reveals his wolf form to him. Charlie goes to the Cullen house to see Bella and meet Renesmee. He accepts that Bella is now recovered and this is her chosen life, but he does not know what has changed her or where Renesmee came from, aside from she’s ‘adopted’.

Several months pass with Carlisle monitoring Renesmee’s rapid growth. On an outing in the woods, a bitter Irina sees Renesmee from a distance and assumes she’s an immortal child. Immortal children were vampires who were changed in childhood, and because they could not be trained nor restrained, they slaughtered entire villages. The creation of such children is outlawed by the Volturi and anyone caught with one is to be executed.

Irina goes to the Volturi, reporting what she has seen. Alice gets a vision of the Volturi and Irina coming to kill the Cullens and instructs the others to gather as many witnesses as they can to testify that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Alice and Jasper then leave to gather evidence of this. The Cullens begin to summon witnesses, such as the Denali family. One of the Denalis, Eleazar, later discovers that Bella has a special ability: a powerful mental shield that had protected her from Edward‘s mind-reading even when she was human, which she is taught to extend to protect others from vampire powers.

The Volturi, led by Aro, arrive in Forks prepared for battle. Seeing the large group of vampires (the Cullens and their witnesses) and wolves, they stop their procession. They are able to prove to Aro that Renesmee is not an immortal child; however, the Volturi are eager to add the gifted members of the Cullen coven to the guard, so they execute Irina in an attempt to provoke a battle. Before a fight breaks out, Alice and Jasper return and Alice shows Aro her visions of the future.

In this violent vision, she and Jasper are arrested for attacking Aro after Alice finds out he will not change his decision and kicks him in the face. Carlisle tries to save them but is murdered by Aro. Jasper is beheaded by Demetri and Jane. Alice and Sam together avenge Jasper by killing Jane. Caius is partially beheaded by Tanya (a member of the Denalis) as revenge for Irina’s execution. Seth is killed by Felix. Leah saves Esme‘s life but loses hers in the process. Marcus welcomes his death as he is torn to pieces by Vladimir and Stefan. Aro tries to kill Edward but a joint effort from Bella and Edward kills him. The vision ends with Bella burning Aro’s detached head as other Volturi members try to grab her from behind.

Aro, despite being afraid of the vision future, still wants to execute Renesmee as she might become savage. Alice and Jasper reveal their final witness, Nahuel, a half-human half-vampire just like Renesmee. He proves that he is not a threat, supporting the notion that Renesmee is not one either. The Volturi unhappily leave, Aro fearfully explaining that there will be no battle today.

Back at the Cullen home, Alice glimpses the future, seeing Edward and Bella greeting Jacob and a fully matured Renesmee, also a couple, on a sun-dappled beach. Edward reads Alice’s mind and feels relieved that Renesmee has Jacob to protect her. Alone in the meadow, Bella pushes her mental shield away and finally allows Edward to see into her mind, showing him every moment they have shared together. They kiss after Bella tells him, “nobody has ever loved anybody as much as I love you”, and he says “with one exception.”


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