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The Royal Hotel (2023) 720p + 1080p + 2160p 4K WEB-DL English DDP 5.1 MSub

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The Royal Hotel (2023)

Two young American backpackers, Hanna and Liv, are travelling through Australia. After running out of money while partying in Sydney, they take up an employment agency’s offer to work as bartenders at the Royal Hotel, a pub in a remote Outback mining town. Upon arrival, they meet the pub’s owner Billy and his wife Carol, who also works as the pub’s chef. Hanna and Liv’s first shift is handling the raucous farewell party for their predecessors, English tourists Jules and Cassie. While working, they meet several of the regulars. Hanna is disturbed by the casual sexism, misogynistic jokes, and inappropriate behaviour displayed by the pub patrons, who are mostly men, although Liv brushes it off as a culture shock.

The next day, Jules and Cassie are driven back to town by a mysterious local named Dolly. Matty, a young regular at the pub who flirted with Hanna and Liv the previous night, pays them a visit and the group goes swimming nearby; Hanna begins to bond with Matty. Returning, they observe Billy and Carol’s unstable relationship and learn that Billy has not paid deliveryman Tommy for the last three months, much to Carol’s chagrin. That night at the girls’ upstairs living quarters, while Liv is asleep, Hanna rebuffs Matty’s attempts to have sex, before ordering him to leave. In the morning, Matty apologises to Hanna. Over the next few nights, Hanna continues to endure harassment and microaggressions by the pub patrons, while Liv is embraced by the regulars for her easygoing attitude.

Liv begins to slack off at work and joins the regulars in drinking, striking up a friendship with local miner Teeth. During one quiet night, after an intoxicated Liv retires early and leaves Hanna to work alone, a drunk and aggressive Dolly antagonises Hanna and a few patrons before he is finally forced to leave by Billy. Hanna is rattled by the incident, but Liv believes Dolly to be harmless. Shortly afterwards, when a snake invades the girls’ living quarters, Dolly offers to retrieve it. The next morning, Hanna discovers Dolly has left the dead snake in a jar of alcohol with her name on it, further upsetting her, but Liv once again dismisses Hanna’s concerns.

After unsuccessfully attempting to get Dolly banned from the pub, Hanna announces that she and Liv are quitting, but Billy refuses to pay them. During an argument with Carol over paying Tommy and the girls, Billy injures himself in a drunken fall, forcing Carol to drive him to the nearest hospital. Before leaving, Carol reveals she has taken most of the money to pay Tommy and has left some for Hanna and Liv. She instructs the pair to make as much money as they can and then leave when the next bus arrives in two days.

On their last night at the pub, Hanna throws a birthday party for Liv. Learning from Teeth that Liv has left with Dolly, Hanna soon finds her drunk in Dolly’s car. When Dolly attempts to drive off, Hanna intervenes by slashing one of the tyres of his car with an axe. Hanna and Liv return to the pub where they argue. The next morning, Hanna awakens to let Matty in, only to discover Dolly is with him. The two men break in and chase Hanna to her living quarters. Liv leaves with Dolly while an agitated Hanna attempts to ward off Matty with the axe. A scuffle ensues and Hanna is injured.

As Dolly and Matty take Liv to their car, Hanna steps outside. Alarmed at her friend’s injuries, Liv breaks free from Dolly and reunites with Hanna. As Dolly approaches, Teeth smashes into his car with his truck and proceeds to assault Dolly as Matty flees. Retreating to the pub, the girls begin to break several bottles. When Teeth walks in, declaring that he beat up Dolly to claim Liv for himself, Liv angrily turns him away. With the pub covered in liquor, Hanna sets the building on fire. Hanna and Liv walk away in silence as the Royal Hotel burns.

Source by Wikipedia

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