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The Good Dinosaur (2015) 720p + 1080p BluRay x265 HEVC [Org Hin-Eng] True HD

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The Good Dinosaur (2015) Plot

In an alternate history, the asteroid that would have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago passes safely over Earth.

Millions of years later, Apatosaurus corn farmers Henry and Ida have three children: Libby, Buck, and Arlo. While his successful siblings are allowed to “make their mark” (a mud-print on the family’s corn silo), Arlo’s timid nature makes tasks difficult for him. Henry attempts to give Arlo a sense of purpose by putting him in charge of guarding their silo, and helps him set a trap. It captures a feral caveboy, but Arlo cannot bring himself to kill him, and sets him free. Disappointed and a little mad, Henry takes Arlo to track the caveboy into a ravine. Henry then saves Arlo from a flash flood before being killed by debris.

Without his father, Arlo shoulders more of the workload. He spots the same caveboy inside the silo; blaming the caveboy for his father’s death, Arlo chases him into a river, where both are swept miles downstream. Arlo is knocked unconscious by a rock, and awakens to find himself deep in the wilderness. As he tries to return, his leg is caught by a boulder. The next day, Arlo wakes to find his leg has been freed by the caveboy digging out the dirt below Arlo’s leg. The caveboy appears with food, and leads Arlo to a berry tree. The caveboy then fends off a large snake, amazing Arlo, and impressing Forrest Woodbush, a nearby eccentric Styracosaurus who wants to keep the boy. He forces Arlo to compete with him to give the boy a name he will respond to, and Arlo wins the game when he calls the boy “Spot”. Arlo and Spot bond as Arlo laments his lost family, and Spot reveals that his own parents are both dead.

Later, when a storm strikes, Arlo runs away in fear and loses the riverbank he has been following home. The next morning, Arlo wakes to find Spot at his side. They are noticed by a band of pterodactyls, who appear to be conducting a rescue operation but turn out to be savagely carnivorous. When the pterodactyls try to eat Spot, Arlo and Spot flee; they encounter a Tyrannosaurus named Nash and his sister Ramsey, who both drive off the pterodactyls. Nash, Ramsey, and their father Butch have lost their herd of longhorns somewhere in the south, so Arlo offers Spot’s help in sniffing them out. The group locates the herd, but Butch recognizes the work of cattle rustlers. Arlo and Spot lure the four rustler Velociraptors into the open, allowing Butch and his family to attack. After the rustlers have been driven off and telling stories at camp, Arlo joins the Tyrannosaurus in driving the cattle south. Later, he sees the familiar mountain peaks of his homeland in the distance, and leaves with Spot to return home.

Along the way, they encounter an adult feral caveman in the distance. Spot is intrigued, but Arlo dissuades him and they continue on, wanting to keep Spot. As another storm approaches, the pterodactyls return, attack, and carry Spot away. Arlo gets pushed off a cliff by one of the pterodactyls and becomes entangled in vines, being knocked unconscious as a rock hits his head. Arlo has a vision of his father freeing him and leading him home. Knowing it wasn’t Spot’s fault for what happened to his father, Arlo instead resolves to save Spot, making the vision of Henry proud of his son before it fades away. The vision invigorates Arlo with refound strength, as he frees himself from the vines and finds and attacks the pterodactyls, who have cornered Spot in the river. Arlo and Spot together plunge the pterodactyls into the water, where they are swept helplessly downstream. When a landslide causes a giant wave, Arlo leaps into the water to rescue Spot, and the two are swept away toward a waterfall. Arlo protects Spot as they go over the falls, and they rest up afterward.

As they near Arlo’s home, the two are approached by the caveman and his entire family, who show great interest in Spot. With great reluctance, Arlo pushes Spot to join this new adoptive family, and the two of them share a tearful goodbye. Arlo finally arrives home to his mother and siblings, and makes his mark on the silo between those of his mother and father.

Source: Wikipedia

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