The Cave (2005) 720p + 1080p BluRay x265 HEVC [Org Hin-Eng]

The Cave (2005) 720p + 1080p BluRay x265 HEVC [Org Hin-Eng]

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The Cave (2005) Plot

During the Cold War, a group of Soviet and British plunderers begin to excavate an abandoned 13th-century abbey in the Carpathian Mountains. As they set up a dynamite charge, the floor splits beneath them and they fall through to the bottom of a vast cave system. They descend further into the cave in the hope of finding a way out, and hear strange rattling sounds in the darkness.

In the present, a team led by Dr. Nicolai, with his associate Dr. Kathryn Jennings and cameraman Alex Kim, are excavating the site of the former abbey. They discover mysterious mosaics and a river that stretches for miles inside the cave system. Local biologists believe the cave could contain an undiscovered ecosystem, so he hires a group of professional American divers led by brothers Jack and Tyler McAllister. The team includes rock-climbing professional Charlie, first scout Briggs, sonar expert Strode, and survival expert Top Buchanan.

After descending to the base of the cave, Briggs is chosen to scout ahead. While he contacts the team, he sees something in the distance and the video crashes. Thinking the problem is an equipment malfunction, the team continues on and eventually finds Briggs downriver. However, Strode is suddenly attacked and dragged away by a large creature. This causes his water scooter to speed off and crash into the cave wall causing a rock fall, leaving them forced to follow the river and search for a new way out.

With no way out and a rescue team not scheduled to retrieve them for 12 days, Jack and Top follow the river together along the line left by Strode. Jack is then seized and scratched by one of the creatures that attacked Strode, but is able to sever its claw. Kathryn studies its cells and notices a parasitic mutation, which Nicolai has discovered in all of the caves lifeforms. She explains that all known cave species originated above ground but have adapted over generations to life underground. Kathryn theorizes this new parasite originated in the cave environment and has never been exposed to the outside world.

The team eventually stumble across the equipment and remains of previous explorers, while continuing to descend through a series of rapids. Tyler sees Nicolai hanging on to the side of the cave, but he is sucked down into the current before he can help. As everyone starts to surface, they hear Nicolai screaming. Jack tries to save him, but he is dragged underwater. He swims deeper and watches the creature pulling Nicolai to his death, noticing tattooed letters on the creature’s hands. As he regroups with the team, Jack’s body begins changing as the scratches he received have infected him with the parasite. While climbing back up the cave wall to escape, Charlie is attacked and killed by a winged creature.

As Jack continues to mutate, Kathryn theorizes that the previous explorers and all the ecosystem’s creatures mutated due to the parasite. Some of the survivors question Jack’s judgement and the team splits up. Alex, Briggs and Kathryn go their own way, while Top and Tyler stay with Jack. Jack, Top and Tyler discover a cavern littered with human skeletons as well as a passageway out of the cave. As Tyler goes back to find the others, one of the creatures kills Briggs. Tyler regroups with Kathryn and Alex as they all run to rejoin Jack and Top. However, the creatures have entered the cavern and stolen the rebreathers necessary to navigate the passage. Top, Kathryn, Tyler and Alex run into the river toward the passageway, but Alex is killed before he can get in the water, a creature grabbing him from above. Jack sacrifices himself by causing a cave-in, allowing the others to escape.

Sometime later, Tyler and Kathryn meet up at a cafe. He asks if the mutated Jack could have survived on the surface. Kathryn says she had originally thought the parasite could only survive underground, but now believes the parasite wanted to get out. As she leaves, Tyler notices that Kathryn’s eyes have mutated just like Jack’s. He runs after her, but she disappears in the crowd likely to infect others.

Source: Wikipedia

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