Download Mrs. Serial Killer (2020)
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Mrs. Serial Killer (2020) Plot
Sona Mukherjee tells her husband Mrityunjoy Mukherjee (Joy) that she’s pregnant. Inspector Imran Shahid, who is also Sona’s ex-boyfriend, visits her house to collect evidence against Joy in a serial killing case. Sona thinks Shahid is just trying to frame Joy to take revenge on him for taking away his love.
The serial killing case is that of six girls who went missing; their bodies were found in an isolated house owned by Joy. All the victims were unmarried and pregnant and were then aborted and dismembered. Joy, a gynaecologist, is arrested and the town’s people lose respect for him. Sona, who firmly believes that Joy is innocent and framed by Shahid, visits Joy in prison, and Joy tells her to ask a famous lawyer Mr. Rastogi for help, whom he had saved before. Joy’s bail application is rejected by the court for all found evidence is against Joy. Rastogi suggests that Sona prove Joy’s innocence by killing one more girl in the same way the previous six were killed to prove that the killer is not Joy.
Sona is a kind person and unwilling to hurt anyone but finally agrees after she is convinced that there’s no other way to prove Joy’s innocence. She chooses her neighbor Anushka Tiwari, an unmarried pregnant girl. News of Anushka’s death reaches police, making the court believe Joy is not the killer. He is granted bail.
After Joy returns home, Sona shows him Anushka, who is still held captive by her. Sona didn’t actually kill her, but found an unclaimed body and dressed it up to make it look like Anushka’s body. Meanwhile, Anushka’s boyfriend Sid follows them and finds that Anushka is actually alive in the basement of Joy’s clinic. Sid tries to free her but accidentally locks himself in the cupboard.
Sona wakes up in the night to find Joy missing. She drives to the clinic immediately to find Joy about to kill Anushka. Sona now realizes that he is indeed the killer of the six girls. Joy revealed his mother got pregnant with him out of wedlock and abandoned him. Ever since Joy hates girls who gets pregnant out of wedlock that’s why he abort and dismember them. Sona tries to save Anushka but Joy pins her hand on the table with his scalpel. Sid is also tied up by Joy, but he manages to contact Shahid, who immediately arrives, only to be tied by Joy too. Joy is now going to abort and dismember Anushka right in front of them. Shahid manages to free himself and Sona, who gets Sid and Anushka to escape. During his attempt to kill Anushka, Joy accidentally stabs Sona after she throws herself in front of Sid and Anushka. Shahid stabs Joy from behind, presumably killing him.
Sona wakes up in hospital with Shahid beside her and learns she has lost her baby. He tells her that Anushka is not going to file a case against her because she saved her life. Joy is also saved by the doctor and alive, but escapes from the hospital before anyone is aware. Rastogi, who is now revealed to have known Joy’s crime already, and possibly had a role in those killings, meets Joy and gives him shelter.