Download Maestro (2023) 720p + 1080p Full HD Quality

Download Maestro (2023) 720p + 1080p Full HD Quality
Maestro (2023) Plot
The film begins with an inscription from the writings of Leonard Bernstein stating, “A work of art does not answer questions, it provokes them, and its essential meaning is in the tension between the contradictory answers.” The opening scene shows Leonard at nearly 70 years old, playing a sequence from his opera A Quiet Place on a piano[6] while being filmed and interviewed in his home. After he is finished playing, he shares brief details regarding the significant impact left on him by Felicia, his wife of many years, and mentions seeing her ghost.
Flashing back to 1943, and switching to black-and-white filming, Bernstein – then 25 and living in New York City as the assistant conductor to the New York Philharmonic – suddenly makes his conducting debut with the Philharmonic when Bruno Walter falls ill. Bernstein is exceptional as a substitute and enjoys a rapturous reception from the audience. At this time, Bernstein is in an intermittent romantic and sexual relationship with clarinetist David Oppenheim. However, his homosexuality is diverted soon afterward, when he meets Felicia Montealegre, an aspiring actress, at a party. They begin dating and sleeping together, and ultimately marry and have three children: Jamie, Alexander, and Nina.
By the mid-1950s, Leonard and Felicia lived a highly affluent life in the public eye, with Leonard having composed several successful operas and Broadway musicals, including Candide and West Side Story. They begin to host lavish parties. Felicia combats concerns raised about Leonard’s homosexual tendencies, insistent that she holds rein over him as his wife. As the years pass, however, Leonard’s dalliances with men – as well as his alcohol and substance abuse – take a deep toll on their marriage. These issues are compounded when Jamie hears whispers of her father’s affairs, and Leonard – in attempting to deny what she has heard as mere rumors, fueled by “jealousies” – only raises his daughter’s suspicions.
Finally, one Thanksgiving, after Leonard returns home to their apartment in The Dakota late from a bender, he and Felicia have an explosive argument where she insists that he has hate in his heart, and will “die a lonely old queen” if he continues on his current path. Nonetheless, the couple remains married, through Leonard’s composition of Mass in 1971. In 1973, Bernstein conducted Mahler‘s Resurrection Symphony in a legendary performance at Ely Cathedral, England. Amidst the uproarious reception, Felicia reconciles with Leonard, insistent that “there’s no hate in [his] heart.”
Felicia is diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of years later; despite surgeries and an aggressive chemotherapy regimen, her condition deteriorates, and she dies in Leonard’s arms in 1978. Overcome with grief, Leonard and the children abandon their lavish home shortly afterward. Bernstein is shown once again in 1987, teaching the art of conducting and still partying, as well as having affairs with his much younger male students. Finally, returning to the interview, Bernstein admits that he misses Felicia terribly, before his mind flashes back to an image of her, back in their youth, walking into their yard.
Source: Wikipedia