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Colonia (2015) Plot
In 1973, Lena is a strong, independent and adventurous West German Lufthansa stewardess and is in relationship with Daniel, a West German journalist and leftist activist living in Chile. Upon arrival in Santiago, she reunites with him and they spend their days in the capital peacefully.
One day, the two become entangled in the 1973 Chilean coup d’Ă©tat by General Augusto Pinochet, in which supporters of deposed President Salvador Allende are getting rounded up by the military. Daniel and Lena try to escape, but like thousands of others, they are picked up and taken to the National Stadium in Santiago, where a defector identifies Allende’s supporters. Some are shot on the spot, others, including Daniel, are abducted by Pinochet’s secret police DINA. After Lena is released, she tries to find and save him.[5] The pursuit leads her to “Colonia Dignidad”, an isolated secret organisation living in a sealed-off rural farmland and enclave near the Andes mountains. The organisation presents itself as a charitable mission run by Paul SchĂ€fer, a former Wehrmacht colonel and army medic who evaded capture and trial following World War II by disguising himself as a Lutheran pastor and lay minister, later fleeing to Chile to build the organisation.
Lena joins the organisation to rescue Daniel, only to learn it is a cult that combines Baptist-style tenets, punitive agrarian lifestyles, Nazism, and aggressive anti-Communism, from which no one has ever escaped. She witnesses Doro, a fellow member, get brutally beaten and humiliated at the men’s section after it is revealed that she wanted to marry another cult member. Lena skinny dips in a nearby pond in order to be brought over to the men’s section for the same punishments so that she can find Daniel. After a power outage, she later finds him; he has acted mentally disabled so he would be overlooked. When they reunite, the couple discover the organisation is also an illegal operations centre for DINA, who also use it as a political prison, trafficking ring, and torture venue for dissidents of Pinochet.
With the help of a pregnant nurse named Ursel, Lena and Daniel attempt to escape from Colonia Dignidad. During the escape, they are discovered and Ursel is killed but Lena and Daniel escape to the West German embassy. They discover that the West German ambassador and the embassy staff are cooperating with SchÀfer, but they manage to make their escape at the airport and exit the country by air, with incriminating photographic evidence against Colonia Dignidad.[5]